Tag: Republicans

I do not understand

I do not understand

I do not understand what Republicans are thinking.

Recently President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 which includes several provisions to reduce prescription drug costs for people with Medicare and also lower drug spending by the federal government. Sounds like a win-win; the people on Medicare save and so does the government.
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former Republican book review – Why We Did It

former Republican book review – Why We Did It

The book is “Why We Did It: A Travelogue from the Republican Road to Hell” by Tim Miller.  Many of us may recognize the author fr0m his TV appearances as a commentator.

I liked it.  For those of you who like a short summary you could stop there but please don’t.
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Nothing conservative

Nothing conservative

A few days ago, I wrote about the difficulty of calling out the group of Republicans who support former President Trump and excuse his actions in Sorting Republicans. I don’t think it is easy finding a good way to identify sub-groups.

The Republican Party used to be highly principled and an important part of our democracy. But now many seem to favor various conspiracy theories, favor insurrection, or belief increasing their power is more important than voting and democracy. The party is clearly divided into two or more camps.
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Sorting Republicans

Sorting Republicans

Several days ago I wrote about President Biden’s Soul of the Nation speech and yesterday about Evan McMullin and his third party run for the U.S. Senate. It seems to me there is a common theme.

President Biden spoke of several things but which seemed to offend some Republicans by calling out MAGA republicans. I don’t think the speech did insult all Republicans. The President clearly distinguished between the MAGA crowd and mainstream conservatives or traditional Republicans.

The problem is trying to sort a larger group into smaller groups. Some will fall in-between, some will misinterpret, and when you add politics some will distort.
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Republican idiots and special master

Republican idiots and special master

This title just screams out for me to mention that I am not a Democrat. I am an Independent but in recent years I found myself supporting Democrats more and Republicans increasing rarely. It is not so much that I agree with everything Democrats say and do but that I disagree with Republicans so much that I find no other reasonable choice than to support the Democrats.

For example, in the recent search of Donald Trump’s home many Republicans immediately defended the ex-President and some even called the FBI a bunch of Nazis before any facts were known.
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Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Save or New Party

Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Save or New Party

I have been impressed with both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Each had stuck by their beliefs as the Republican party has become a personality cult build around a con man. Sadly the partly which was once an important part of the American democracy is now a danger to the continuation of that democracy.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have paid a step price. Both were rising stars in the party. By sticking with their beliefs and values, they have lost much. Adam Kinzinger decided not to run for re-election. Liz Cheney lost her primary and so will not be on the ballot.
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Power is a choice.  Choose wisely.

Power is a choice. Choose wisely.

Several months ago I wrote that Republican Senators could, if they chose, be key votes in a different context. See Republicans can choose power.

The same applies now when it seems likely that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe vs Wade. And a bill will be before the Senate to protect abortion rights.

There are people who feel strongly on both sides of this issue. Think clearly and choose wisely. Should religious beliefs of some people restrict the rights of others?

The blame game: Election News

The blame game: Election News

Who ya gonna blame? Certainly not GhostBusters. They have nothing to do with the elections.

Republicans are still contesting the 2020 election. So far no evidence. Republicans in state legislatures have been trying and often succeeding with voter suppression and election subversion,
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Republicans, choose wisely

Republicans, choose wisely

Republicans in the Senate have a unique opportunity. The Build Back Better bill can be passed with votes of 50 Senators. The Democrats have 49 but Senator Joe Manchin is delaying and perhaps killing the Bill. This is an opportunity for a Republican Senator or perhaps Senators. Let me explain.

Back in January it occurred to me that Republicans have a choice between constant opposition or using power wisely as powerful leaders and maybe even pleasing constituents while doing so. At the time I was writing about both Houses of Congress but this time I am writing specifically about the Senate. See my earlier post – Republicans can choose power.

Simply put, Republican power is a choice. Choose wisely.

A national disgrace or 6 disgraces

A national disgrace or 6 disgraces

Today is the 11th month anniversary of the January 6 attack on our Capitol (It’s only the beginning of the Capitol terror hunt and Insurrection based on a lie.) Let’s call that disgrace #1.
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I was wrong.  There is more news on Voting Rights

I was wrong. There is more news on Voting Rights

This is today’s news so naturally I could not have it in yesterday’s post (Update on voting rights)

But this is older:
Yes, another filibuster. This one of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act last month.

Stay tuned in case something happens to protect voting rights.. Maybe a way around the filibuster. Maybe enough Republicans will be voted out of office in 2022. Of course that last depends on voting and that seems to be the problem.

Update on voting rights

Update on voting rights

I wrote about Republicans opposing federal protection of voting rights which is needed because states are working to discourage voting and if people do vote despite their efforts some states can just invalidate the votes they don’t like. (see Senate Republicans oppose voting rights and oppose even talking about voting rights and Saving Republicans and Democracy ).

There has been no progress as far as I can tell.

We can save democracy.

We can save democracy.

Yesterday I wrote about Saving Republicans and Democracy. I was encouraged by the article We Are Republicans. There’s Only One Way to Save Our Party From Pro-Trump Extremists..

The article is definitely worth reading. It starts like this.
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Saving Republicans and Democracy

Saving Republicans and Democracy

The Republican Party used to be highly principled and an important part of our democracy. But now they seem to favor various conspiracy theories, favor insurrection, and even oppose the very idea of democracy. That is why I was hopeful that the party could be saved as a valuable part of our democracy when a group of Republicans called “for the Republican Party to re-dedicate itself to founding ideals—or else hasten the creation of an alternative.” (see Save the Republican Party). 

But it now seems the party is even more tightly aligned  with  Donald Trump and the irrational. An alternative party may be the answer.
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Republicans for financial disaster

Republicans for financial disaster

Not content with causing chaos in the United States by undermining democracy and enhancing the spread of COVID-19, Republicans are now seeking to spread their chaos to the international stage. Yes, their crazy actions could cause a world-wide financial disaster.
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