The blame game: Election News

Who ya gonna blame? Certainly not GhostBusters. They have nothing to do with the elections.

Republicans are still contesting the 2020 election. So far no evidence. Republicans in state legislatures have been trying and often succeeding with voter suppression and election subversion,

It seems we will only have honest federal elections if Congress is willing and able to stand up and prevent these suppression and subversion state laws from applying to federal elections. So far efforts to ensure a fair vote have come from Democrats. Republicans have filibustered these attempts in the Senate.

The President wants to protect the right to vote. The House (or at least the Democrats in the House) passed a new bill to protect this right.

We’ll have to see what happens in the Senate.

Blame for failure to pass voting rights legislation is often put on the Democrats. There are 2 who say they will not modify filibuster so this can be passed over Republican opposition. I think Republicans are the ones to blame.

I think all citizens of a democracy should support voting rights. If Republicans object to something in the bill they should explain that clearly or propose a bill they can support.

Otherwise, I’ll just assume Republicans are OK with voter suppression and election subversion. I hope others feel the same way and vote them out (in states where they can vote).

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