Election madness continues, even in Pennsylvania

For some,  the election madness continues. Many Republicans believe (or at least say they believe) that Donald trumps won the 20202 election and it was stolen by the Democrats. They have not been able to produce any credible evidence. Of course they have various conspiracy theories but no evidence any is correct.

There are votes from in from China or rigged voting machine or any number of other wacko theories. One of these even invoked the dead former Venezuelan president.

Despite the obvious foolishness of these claims, Republican state legislators continue the search for fraud. This would be funny if it did not involve the waste of state recuses and possible disclosure of sensitive and private information. For example, a current audit of the 2020 vote in Pennsylvania could expose sensitive information  “including the partial Social Security and driver’s license numbers of roughly 9 million registered voters“.

Elections are coming up later this year.  You might want to think about this before you put any these clowns back in office.


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