Repeal ACA now and maybe replace later

President Trump has joined with other Republican officials in a lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA). (see Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike Down Affordable Care Act.)

A brief quote from that article:

If successful, the move would permanently end the health insurance program popularly known as Obamacare and wipe out coverage for as many as 23 million Americans.

There is no replacement currently. NPR puts it this way:

Eliminating the ACA would end medical insurance for more than 20 million Americans. It would also end widely popular provisions of the law, such as extending parents’ coverage to children up to the age of 26 and prohibiting insurance companies from denying coverage based on preexisting conditions.

Trump and congressional Republicans have long said they want to “repeal and replace” Obamacare but have yet to offer legislation addressing what would take its place.

I would add that the numbers of uninsured and under-insured may actually be much higher as millions have lost jobs, and presumably health insurance, as a consequence of the pandemic and economic collapse.

Apparently the replacement the Republicans have in mind is so good they would rather not share any part of the plan until after the election (see CNN or marketplace).

In all probability, they may not even have a plan but if the past is any guide it is bound to be bad one for most Americans.

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