

President Trump holds many titles The Constitution states that the chief executive “shall be Commander in Chief” (Article 2, Section 2). And many would award him with various other titles including liar-in-chief, Commander in Cheat, and probably a few others.

Is Weatherman-in-chief his latest?
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Farmers lose in tariff war

Farmers lose in tariff war

Farmers are losing big in President Trump’s tariff war with China. For example, the Nebraska Farm Bureau estimated farmers will lose almost a billion dollars in revenue this year. And that is just one state.

Yet although President Trump’s support among farmers is slipping, it still remains substantial.

Telephone fraud again

Telephone fraud again

A couple weeks ago I wrote about Telephone Fraud. No surprise that it is continuing but one call was particularly odd.

A few weeks ago, I got a call that someone was about to renew my subscription and debit my bank account for $199 unless I Pressed “1” to speak with a representative or called back. Yesterday, I got a very similar call except the amount had been increased to $299.

Does this mean the spammers believe those who did not respond to a $199 threat might be more concerned if the amount was $299? I’m wondering if they just called back to everyone who did not respond the first time.

Why does “Moscow Mitch” oppose election security ????

Why does “Moscow Mitch” oppose election security ????

“Moscow Mitch” McConnell is still refusing to do anything to increase our election security. This lack of action is in the face on overwhelming evidence of Russian election interference in the last 2 elections. (see US Election security and Secure our elections in this blog).
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The End of Democracy

The End of Democracy

Lately I’ve been thinking about democracy in general. It is certainly in trouble here in the US but there are similar problems in many counties. I recently read a piece called “The Shocking Paper Predicting the End of Democracy” which suggests a more general problem with people and democratic governance. Professor Shawn W. Rosenberg presented this at International Society of Political Psychologists’ annual meeting. Here is another article on that presentation.

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President Trump wants to weaken fuel economy standards

President Trump wants to weaken fuel economy standards

President Trump defends his weakening of fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks by citing greater safety which will save lives. Cars can be bigger and heavier and therefore safer. They will also be cheaper so

On the other hand, internal documents from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last year indicate the rule change would increase deaths. But publicly they support President Trump’s claims.
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Should we talk about  the Electoral College?

Should we talk about the Electoral College?

Several month ago I addressed the question Should we abolish the Electoral College?. I think it an important question. I gave my opinion and what I saw as arguments on both sides and thought we should talk about it.

I thought a good place for debate might be Congress and resolutions pending before both houses of Congress might be a start for the debate. In both the Senate and House the bills have been referred to committees or subcommittees but as far as I can tell there has been no debate or hearings.
Continue reading “Should we talk about the Electoral College?”

The God Jar by Phill Featherstone

The God Jar by Phill Featherstone

The God Jar by Phill Featherstone is a hard book to characterize. There are elements of mystery, science fiction, sorcery, magic, and historical fiction. The author does a nice job of blending them. It makes for an interesting story. Some parts being more interesting than others.
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Bad driving and good eating

Bad driving and good eating

Yesterday was what I called the day of bad driving. It was also the day of good eating but I’ll get to that in a minute or so.

We had visited the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond. Out interest was specifically the exhibit on Pompeii but the price of admission to that included general admission of the museum. As I retired scientist that interested me and maybe I’ll have another post on that in a day or two. But for now I’ll just say we had spent the night in Richmond and so were at the museum when doors opened and left in late morning. I could have stayed longer but we figured we had a 5 hour drive in front of us. We live in southeastern PA.
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What is bipartisan

What is bipartisan

Several years I was on the email list of our Congressman and every week, I’d get an email which included many, if not all, or the bills he voted for. He was a Republican so naturally most were Republican bills.

But some were described as bipartisan and I would look up the ones that sounded interesting. Nearly always, they were passed with well over 200 Republican votes and a very small number of Democrats – maybe 3 or 4.
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Are Republicans against election security ?

Are Republicans against election security ?

I was thinking back on my posts on Mitch McConnell (aka Moscow Mitch) and election security and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s opposition to what has been called a bipartisan election bill. One answer to why he opposes it is that it is really a Democratic bill.

H.R.2722 was passed by the House last month and has been “Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration” on June 28 according to
Continue reading “Are Republicans against election security ?”

#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not

#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Moscow Mitch (or #MoscowMitch), a new nickname or perhaps title for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Is this deserved or not?

I tend to think it appropriate but there is opinion on both sides of the issue. Continue reading “#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not”

US Election security

US Election security

Yes, we need to increase our election security. But there are some who think it unnecessary or perhaps they welcome Russian intervention as it has helped them in the past and they hope it will continue to keep them in power. But that is just my opinion and many agree but I am getting a bit ahead.
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