Americans for Responsible Solutions: start a dialog to address gun violence

Americans for Responsible Solutions is an organization founded to help and encourage our lawmakers to stand-up to the powerful forces that prevent our lawmakers from serious considering and putting into place any laws that will restrict gun ownership in an attempt to prevent the serious problem of gun-related violence in out society. Check out the website of Americans for Responsible Solutions.

U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was severely wounded and 18 of her constituents killed or wounded by a gunman about 2 years ago. There have been 11 mass shootings since then. Rep. Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly founded Americans for Responsible Solutions to encourage a national conversation to address gun violence. Check out their website and let your Senators and Representatives know your beliefs on this issue.

4 thoughts on “Americans for Responsible Solutions: start a dialog to address gun violence

  1. This not the time for pusillanimity on more gun control. the proposed gun regulations have nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. The NRA is wrong on this.

  2. I agree. Reasonable controls are warranted. If we can prevent individuals from owning machine guns, bazookas, etc, why can we not regulate semi-automatic weapons? I cannot think of a reasonable argument for loopholes in the background check regulations.

    I think the NRA has directed the debate for too long. Now is the time for the more reasonable to prevail.t

  3. More people are killed each year let’s nationally regrister these killlers. A group of people were resently stabbed by a lunutic, lets regrister them and all knives. How about bombs and bombers. Shall we let the saudi national be deported or shall we regrister them and impound them. How about “”illegals”” lets regrister them get them off our dowls and see what effect that has on murders??? Let the Constitution “stand”. Let’s get to real solutions and not this bs of criminalizing “legal” gunowners. Find a life.

  4. I agree we should not criminalize “legal” gun owners or those who legitimately have a right to be gun owners but I think we can take common sense measures to minimize the chance of criminals and madmen having “legal” guns. I believe we can come up with reasonable regulations. We will never stop violence with guns, etc but we can try to decrease the problem.

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