Tag: search engine

Google Newspaper Archive has not gone away

Google Newspaper Archive has not gone away

The Google Newspaper Archive has not gone away although many think it has. A few years ago, it was announced that Google was shutting down the Newspaper Archive project.

But reading further into the articles you may notice that while Google is no longer scanning newspapers to add to the archive, what was already done is still online and searchable.

The link http://news.google.com/newspapers will give you a list of newspapers in the archive and a search box. You can refine your search after the initial seach.

The link https://news.google.com/news/advanced_news_search?as_drrb=a takes you to a seach box that lets you refine your search right away.

I haven’t decide which I like better but give both a try. You may find nothing but then maybe you will find something worthwhile.

New Search Engine – DuckDuckGo

New Search Engine – DuckDuckGo

So I go to this meeting and there is a presentation on a new search engine. Well, new for me; I’m not sure how long it has been around. You may ask – at what type of meeting would they talk about search engines. But that doesn’t matter. The point is that was one of the presentations.

But I’ll tell you anyway. It was a WordPress meet up for the Philly ‘burbs and I’ve gone a couple times now. You’ve probably noticed that I use WordPress for this blog. And I use WordPress as part of a team of volunteers that maintains a website for my community ( http://hersheysmill.org/ ). So I thought it might be a good idea to learn something.

So this search engine really had nothing to do with WordPress but it was interesting. DuckDuckGo is a search engine but unlike many, it maintains your privacy since it does not record who is doing the searching. I’m giving it a try now and it seems to work well. You might want to check out the More area or the options in the dropdown next to the search box.

I do a lot of searching for genealogy-related info and just about anything that comes up. DuckDuckGo does a good job and the privacy and options are additional benefits. So check out https://duckduckgo.com/. I think most people would like it.