Do we improve the healthcare law or repeal and replace?

Now that the healthcare law or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been upheld by the Supreme Court, the ball is once again in the hands of Congress.

Should we improve the law? Many people support aspects of the law but may oppose others. Perhaps they should encourage Congressmen to try for improvements. I will use the term Congressmen to include women just because “Congress persons” sounds awkward and I cannot think of a good inclusive term (Comments to suggest alternatives, anyone?) Maybe even replace those Congressmen who are not interested in improving the current healthcare law.

There are those who like the idea of repeal and replace. They would reject the law because there are parts they disagree with and trust Congress to replace it with something better. Not a very bright idea, in my opinion.

There are those who just want to repeal the law. Are they really happy with the current system? Do they think it is a good idea that many are uninsured, we have the most expensive system in the world, and certainly far from the best results? Not a good value in my opinion but then I don’t own an insurance company.