Tag: Mitch McConnell

Are Republicans against election security ?

Are Republicans against election security ?

I was thinking back on my posts on Mitch McConnell (aka Moscow Mitch) and election security and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s opposition to what has been called a bipartisan election bill. One answer to why he opposes it is that it is really a Democratic bill.

H.R.2722 was passed by the House last month and has been “Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration” on June 28 according to Congress.gov
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#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not

#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Moscow Mitch (or #MoscowMitch), a new nickname or perhaps title for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Is this deserved or not?

I tend to think it appropriate but there is opinion on both sides of the issue. Continue reading “#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not”

Biden rule was made by Republicans

Biden rule was made by Republicans

There is no Biden Rule. Republicans just made it a rule to justify a political trick.

This is pretty ancient history. We are going back at least 2 years since this “rule” was invoked, and then all the way to 1992 to see its roots. So why am I thinking about this today?
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Supreme Court vacancy: Senator McConnell’s second chance

Supreme Court vacancy: Senator McConnell’s second chance

Senator Mitch McConnell made history when he stopped the Senate from doing it’s job in holding hearings to allow President Obama to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. His somewhat novel theory was that a President had limited powers during his last year in office and should not nominate someone for the Supreme Court if there was a vacancy.

Senator McConnell now has a second chance to make history, President Trump has nominated Judge Gorsuch to fill that vacancy. But President Trump is now under FBI investigation for colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 election. It seems to me that this is reason enough to stop the confirmation process now.
Continue reading “Supreme Court vacancy: Senator McConnell’s second chance”

Shutup and sit down or #LetLizTalk

Shutup and sit down or #LetLizTalk

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did not say to shutup and sit down but that was the result of his objection to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s speech. Twitter quickly came alive with people saying #LetLizTalk

Senator McConnell used his power to silence an opposing voice in a confirmation hearing. He invoked Senate rule 19 which in part says
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Senator decision: Mitch factor

Senator decision: Mitch factor

I am still trying to decide how I will vote in the election for US Senator. In Pennsylvania we have a choice of two major party candidates I do not like. So the Mitch factor may be important.

I would normally think party should not be the deciding factor. We should chose the best candidate or at least the one we think is best.
Continue reading “Senator decision: Mitch factor”