Doors by Daniel Brako

First, I requested this advanced reading copy for review since the write-up on Netgalley sounded like it might be interesting but I wasn’t sure about that.

So I was approved and downloaded the galley to my Kindle. I started reading Doors and was instantly hooked. I am pretty sure this is the only book from Netgalley that I read entirely the same day that I downloaded. It was that good.

The story is a mix of mystery, fantasy, and science fiction with a good bit of psychology and a police chase. But if it was described that way, I wouldn’t have read it. Somehow Daniel Brako puts it all together in a thrilling package that keeps you reading.

Since my first description did not seem very interesting let’s try this:

Imagine you are a psychologist trying to help a patient who sees Doors that no one else sees and these Doors lead to other worlds. While trying to cure this delusion, you begin to see the Doors and go through them. Soon you are a murder suspect. And you need to clear yourself and save those you love.

It is not a very long book – 162 pages in paperback according to Amazon – but it is a good book. Read and enjoy Doors by Daniel Brako.