Asking the FDA if they can secretly add artificial sweeteners to Milk

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) are asking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the addition of artificial sweeteners to milk and other dairy products without listing these additions on the label. Some people try to avoid artificial sweeteners (especially aspartame) for various reasons and, of course, they could not do this unless they avoided milk all together.

I think all foods should be labelled with all added ingredients. That does not seem to be the case now but this change in milk regulation is especially outrageous as milk is an important food for most of us.

Here is the FDA notice and request for comments. Notice this Federal register notice includes a Request for comments.

Here is the story is less official (and more readable) form:

The FDA asks for comments from the public. You may or may not approve of this addition of artificial sweeteners to milk or other dairy products. You may think it is important or unimportant that consumers be told what is in the food they eat.

My own opinion is that it is fine to add aspartame or others ingredients as an option but consumers should have a choice and be informed. And we are informed by listing the ingredients on the label. For example, it does me know good to know there are brands with aspartame and brands without aspartame if I can’t tell them apart.

I’m for Truth in Labeling. The dairy industry seems to be asking for Omissions in Labeling. Tell the FDA what you think.

You can make comments via the FDA link above but it is not a straight-forward as I think it should be, so here is a direct link to the FDA page for comments on this issue. (click on the blue COMMENT NOW button in the upper right of the FDA page)