How to Analyze Information: A Step-by-Step Guide to Life’s Most Vital Skill by Herbert E. Meyer

We have so much information available but we need to learn how to use it wisely. Herbert E. Meyer takes you through the steps that are needed to turn the raw information into useful knowledge in his e-book – How to Analyze Information: A Step-by-Step Guide to Life’s Most Vital Skill.

This is more of an extended essay than a book. Amazon estimates it as 21 pages on the Kindle. My e-reader estimates it as 19 pages. For sure, it is not very long but it covers an import issue and does it well.

My picture of the book is a link for the Kindle edition. The book is also available as an e-book in iBook, Nook format and presumably other formats as well. As far as I can tell it is an e-book only. The ones I have seen are fairly inexpensive. ($1.99 seems to be the usual price.)

Herbert E. Meyer has an impressive resume as a thinker, analyzer of data, writer, and speaker. You may wish to look at the page of his publisher Storm King Press to see a summary of his accomplishments.

I found it an easy to read guide to this intellectual process – concise and well-written with wonderful examples to illustrate each step in the process to going from information to knowledge to using that knowledge.