Declare victory over ISIS and go home

Declare victory over ISIS and go home

President Trump has declared victory over ISIS and said our troops are leaving. We won according to President Trump. What else can our troops do? This is the type of thing that is usually a punchline in a joke but it seems to be real. The Secretary of Defense and the US special presidential envoy for the defeat of ISIS resigned shortly after the announcement.

Are more resignations to follow our victory over ISIS ? Are our allies in this fight and more refuges to be slaughtered when our troops leave? We’ll just have to see what happens. Do we have a choice?
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Maybe even worse than Watergate

Maybe even worse than Watergate

Is it worse than Watergate ? Those of us as old as the Retired Guy, give or take a decade or so, think of Watergate and Richard Nixon when we think of political scandals that have the potential to severely damage our democracy.

About a month into the Donald Trump presidency, I wondered if the investigations of the Presidential campaign could lead us to something as big or bigger than Watergate.
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A present for Vladimir

A present for Vladimir

I suppose the President of Russian does not get that many Christmas presents. Maybe I’m wrong about that but the present to President Vladimir Putin from President Donald Trump looks like a good one.

I suppose he shares that gift with President Assad of Syria, The Supreme Leader of Iran, and the President of Turkey. It makes you wonder if the generosity of President Donald Trump knows any limits.

Chaos is us

Chaos is us

Chaos seems to be a major feature of the US government now. A lot happening lately. But it all seem to go back to my earlier point that the chaos seems to be meant to distract us from important stuff. Maybe the Mueller investigation or maybe something else. The problem many of us have is we can’t tell which are the distractions in President Trump’s administration and what is important.
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Health Care: Meet the American Dream

Health Care: Meet the American Dream

Health Care: Meet the American Dream by Janis Powers is a great read for anyone with an interest in health care.  Since healthcare is one of the most contentious issues in recent years I hope this book finds a large audience.

The United States has a very complicated system which has the highest costs in the world but relatively poor outcomes. Clearly major changes are needed.
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Reimagining Our Tomorrows

Reimagining Our Tomorrows

The full title is Reimagining Our Tomorrows: Making Sure Your Future Doesn’t SUCK by Joe Tankersley. I thank Netgalley for the privilege of reading an ARC of this book.

None of us knows what the future holds. Will it be good or will it be bad?
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Doctors disagree with the NRA.

Doctors disagree with the NRA.

Doctors disagree with the NRA. They have noticed that bullets from guns may lead to severe medical problems and in many cases, even death.

The National Rifle Association or NRA has told doctors they should ‘stay in their lane’ since many favor gun regulation in the wake of so many mass shootings.
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Now is the time to contact Congress to protect the Mueller investigation

Now is the time to contact Congress to protect the Mueller investigation

President Donald Trump just forced Jeff Sessions to resign. Now is the time to contact Congress. I sent my comments tonight to my Representative and Senators.

Now is the time to pass legislation to protect the Mueller investigation. It should not be shut down or interfered with in any way.

Hawley healthcare hypocrisy in Missouri

Hawley healthcare hypocrisy in Missouri

Today I wish to focus on one especially disturbing case of healthcare hypocrisy by Josh Hawley who is running for a US Senate seat in Missouri. My recent posts have focused on Republican hypocrisy on healthcare, specifically the pre-exiting conditions safeguard built into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. In these posts I have described recent Republican dishonest claims of support for this important safeguard while their actions actions attempt to undermine it.

I find Josh Hawley to be a particularly disturbing healthcare hypocrite. He now claims to be in favor of pre-existing condition coverage. I find Hawley’s actions as Missouri Attorney General inconsistent with that claim.
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Details: GOP healthcare big lie

Details: GOP healthcare big lie

More on the GOP Big Lie on healthcare. Apparently, several Republicans have recently used a lie about a Washington Post ‘Fact Check’ to support the GOP healthcare big lie.
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GOP big lie on healthcare

GOP big lie on healthcare

The GOP is rolling out the Big Lie. Sure there have been plenty of lies in the past couple years but this seems to be the biggest, boldest, and most absurd. The Republicans now claim they will protect health care and specifically mention pre-existing conditions.
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Kavanaugh confirmed but did he lie or was he libeled ?

Kavanaugh confirmed but did he lie or was he libeled ?

The Senate Republicans were in a big rush to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. As I said before, they proceeded quickly –

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Kavanaugh FBI investigation was a farce

Kavanaugh FBI investigation was a farce

We are not yet sure of the best term for the FBI investigation into possible sexual assault and attempted rape by a young Brett Kavanaugh. Some actually think a history of such behavior and then lying about it would be a bad trait on a Supreme Court Justice. But what do they know! The confirmation marches on with Republican support.
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Though the Heavens Fall by  Anne Emery

Though the Heavens Fall by Anne Emery

An Irish thriller. The title comes from the inscription on the Four Courts building in Dublin, “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” This is a wonderful book on many levels and I completely enjoyed it. It is billed as a thriller and it is. But is it much more.

“Though the Heavens Fall” by Anne Emery is the 10th and latest in the Collins-Burke Mystery Series. It was a new series for me so I can say for certain that you do not need to read this series in order. I started with number 10 and did not feel lost in the least.
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