Disqualifying the District Attorney (DA) in Georgia from the RICO case

Last week I was watching the circus where lawyers for Donald Trump and various co-defendants are trying to disqualify the District Attorney (DA) in Georgia from the RICO case related to the conspiracy to steal the 2020 election for President.  By watching I mean that I watched some of the hearing on TV but mostly have been following it on the news.

My main interest is in the potential trial but a bit enhanced because I lived in Georgia for 30 years.

I can see how hiring a person with whom you had a relationship is a questionable personnel decision. But cannot see how that should impact any trial unless it involved someone who had some sort of conflict of interest relative to this trial.

In that case the person hired could be disqualified and the DA would answer to the personnel department or suitable local authorities about possible violation of hiring rules.  But I think the DA should be able to persue the case.

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