Pennsylvania Supreme Court and HB38

It seems to me that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has done a good job. it also seems to me that a proposed bill Pennsylvania HB38 is an attempt to diminish the Court by the altering its makeup and giving more power to the state legislature.

Why do I say that?

The rulings of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court affect all Pennsylvanians and in some cases prevent the state legislature from overstepping its power as defined by the state constitution. In my mind, it seems appropriate that the justices are elected statewide.

HB 38 (text here) would establish districts which will each elect one justice. It further gives the legislature the power to define those districts. This would allow the legislature to gerrymander those districts as they please.

It seems some of our elected representatives in Harrisburg are not content with their power to gerrymander legislative and Congressional districts but would like to add judicial gerrymanders to their list of powers.

This is a major change. I believe it is a change that undermines constitutional checks and balances in Pennsylvania. I do not think this should be passed. At the very least, HB 38 should not pass without extensive public hearings and expert testimony.

2 thoughts on “Pennsylvania Supreme Court and HB38

  1. Our problem in Pa is extreme gerrymandering. This legislation not only protects the gerrymandering but creates a political court system that does not represent the people. It gives sole power to the politicians and it is un American.

  2. Totally agree. Gerrymandering is a major problem here. Some in the legislature would like to expand the gerrymander to our judicial system

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