Are Republicans the enemy of democracy?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot since the election. It took a few days to get the results but they were clear. Joe Biden won and President Trump lost. It was not especially close. Biden won and clear majority in the Electoral College and won the popular voted by 7 million.

Even before this election we saw many Republican attempts to deny votes to people who would probably disagree with them. Often this took the form of overly strict Voter ID laws, but often dirty tricks

I am an Independent. I have problem with the power of political parties. A few decades ago I lived in Georgia and split my votes fairly equally between Republicans, Democrats, and 3rd party candidates. Over the years I’ve moved toward supporting Democrats more often since I have had so many problems with views expressed by Republican candidates and that party.

One thing that really bothers me is political advertising. For any advertising, be it a Republican, a Democrat, or a toilet bowl cleaner, I am always skeptical about claims. If you think a claim on an issue you care about is right, please check it in another source. The claim could be total false or a distortion based on flimsy information. In some cases it may turn out to be true so if a claim seems plausible and you care, check it out.

Enough about me, let’s get back to Republicans and voting. Before, I mentioned their many attempts to suppress votes and voters they disagree with. Party power rather than democracy or finding a good idea seems to be the aim. With the latest effort which was denied by the Supreme Court they attempted to throw out all the votes for President in the last election in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

President Trump and his Republican supporters have now lost over 50 legal challenges to the 2020 election. Republicans are attempting to take away the votes of millions.

Sadly, the vast majority of Republicans in Congress or party leaders have either supported efforts to overturn the election or have refused to take a position in favor of election results. Election officials have had to face armed protests and death threats.

The Republican party used to be highly principled and an important part of our democracy. But now they seem to oppose the very idea of democracy. I liked them better when the were opposing “big D” Democrats, not “little d” democracy. The party now seems to be about retaining power at all costs.

For most of us the election is over. For the people of Georgia, it is not. They still have a chance to vote and prevent the Republicans from blocking any attempts to save our democracy.

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