Romney’s taxes as a campaign issue

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of hearing about Mitt Romney’s taxes or his lack of transparency on that issue. The Democrats are not satisfied and it would be nice if he was more transparent about it. But I think it should be a closed issue.

There is no reason to believe he is doing anything illegal. He says he is just taking legal steps to which he is entitled to pay no more tax than necessary. Isn’t that pretty much what we all do? He does have a much higher income than most of us so he is able to hire better tax advisers and some steps make economic sense when dealing with a potential tax liability of millions rather than the smaller amounts that most of us deal with.

Perhaps the fact that a multimillionaire pays a lower tax rate than someone who makes a middle class salary suggests to some that our tax system is a bit unfair and should be reformed but that is a different argument.

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