The candidates

Why are most of the candidates afraid of being positive about their positions on the issues? It is not like there is nothing important happening. But most do not seem to take a strong position of the issues or if they do take a position it is so vague as to be meaningless. Yes, candidate X stands for lowering taxes and cutting all that unnecessary spending. Is there anyone who likes unnecessary spending? Be specific. Which programs would be cut and why. If we don’t dramatically cut spending, how will we pay for things and cut taxes at the same time. But rather than face real issues, everyone seems to be running negative ads against the opponent. I guess the reasoning is that if you make the other guy (or gal) look so bad, people will vote for you to keep that other person out of office. But because both sides do it (and there are usually 2 sides), the voters merely end up disgusted with both candidates.

I’d really like to see someone who says “I better than my opponent” and backs it up with some positive stands than might convince us to give our votes with pleasure rather than disgust. Lets see some positive ads for a change.

If it is too hard to get a convincing positive spin on your ideas in 30 or 60 seconds, refer to a position paper on your website to more full explain your position.

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