Category: Health care

English translation needed for American Health Care Act

English translation needed for American Health Care Act

I took Paul Ryan’s advice. I usually don’t do that and regretted it almost immediately. And this is my story.

To much ado, Speaker Ryan introduced the American Health Care Act to the country.

The American Health Care Act is a plan to drive down costs, encourage competition, and give every American access to quality, affordable health insurance.

Or at least so he said. Furthermore this bill was available online at
Continue reading “English translation needed for American Health Care Act”

Rushing the American Health Care Act

Rushing the American Health Care Act

The House leadership is rushing the American Health Care Act through the committee process.

Apparently there is no time to wait for the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates on cost or likely effects of this bill. No time to discuss and debate improvements. No time to consider that millions may lose insurance and access to health care. No time to consider that some of them will probably die.

Do Republican leaders think that giving legislators a bit of time to think and understand might make it less likely that the American Health Care Act will pass?

Should we repair Obamacare or repeal and replace   ?

Should we repair Obamacare or repeal and replace ?

Yesterday, I read 2 opposing views on the Obamacare/health care controversy. I am more a repair Obamacare person but I think both are well worth reading. So continuing the trend started yesterday on this blog, I will write about things I read in the Sunday paper.

We get 2 Sunday papers, the New York Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer. I discussed an article about retirement plans in the Times yesterday. Today it will be a pair of articles in the Inquirer about Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) .
Continue reading “Should we repair Obamacare or repeal and replace ?”

Protect your kids – vaccines, medicine, fear

Protect your kids – vaccines, medicine, fear

The recent outbreak of a measles in the unvaccinated made me think of a book I read several years back (The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear by Seth Mnookin) and briefly mentioned it on this blog. See Protect the kids or why people do dumb things.

It was a good book as I recall but the issue of parents doing a dumb thing in not getting their children vaccinated is still very much with us. My article has link to an article by Seth Mnookin that covers some of the same ground he covered well in his book. I don’t think either of us is calling people dumb. Even smart people can do dumb things.

Another good article that specifically covers the current measles out break is The Vaccine Lunacy: Disneyland, Measles and Madness by Frank Bruni.

There is quite a bit of information out there. Some of it is very good and some of it is misleading. If you are a parent, read it, consider the sources, and act to protect your kids.

Medicare explained brilliantly

Medicare explained brilliantly

This is a review of Medicare For Dummies which was much better than expected. In fact, it was very good but I did have low expectations when I first saw the book.

Many years back my job involved computers and programming. I don’t remember the exact story so this will be a bit vague. For some reason I need to learn quickly about some commonly used program. I figured since I knew nothing about program X, most books or webpages about X would be way over my head.

So I figured I would start with the “Dummies” book and progress after I got the basics. It turn out badly. I didn’t really learn anything useful and felt insulted and frustrated in the process.

This book is much different. Continue reading “Medicare explained brilliantly”

Hobby Lobby: Missing the forest for the trees

Hobby Lobby: Missing the forest for the trees

The recent Supreme Court decision on in favor of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties seeking an exemption from the contraception mandate of in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a step in the wrong direction. I think although the justices applied the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to reach a narrow conclusion, it was wrong and that wrongness will cause greater harm than the narrow ruling suggests. Continue reading “Hobby Lobby: Missing the forest for the trees”

Inherent conflict between Religious Freedom and ObamaCare

Inherent conflict between Religious Freedom and ObamaCare

There is an inherent conflict between Religious Freedom and ObamaCare. Specifically, the mandate for employers to provide health insurance meeting standards and the employers right to refuse what they feel violates their religious beliefs. Considering an recent event demonstrates this clearly. Continue reading “Inherent conflict between Religious Freedom and ObamaCare”

Rejecting medicaid expansion and thinking it through

Rejecting medicaid expansion and thinking it through

Did they think it through? About half the states, mostly those with Republican governors and legislatures, rejected the medicaid expansion. They not only rejected a benefit for the low-income folks in their state but it seems they have also hurt many of the hospitals.

Now they might have to bail out these hospitals or watch them close. So the state’s choice is to let them close and hurt the people of the state or bail them out and pay twice. Why do I say pay twice? Continue reading “Rejecting medicaid expansion and thinking it through”

Another government health care screw-up

Another government health care screw-up

It seems the government is not able to meet its own standards. AmeriCorps, the federal community service program, provides health insurance. But this health insurance does not satisfy the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

An article in the New York Times explains this sad story.

Obama care and Keep your health plan

Obama care and Keep your health plan

I previously discussed that President Obama and the House have proposed 2 different plans to allow you to keep your existing health plan.

In my opinion, neither is a very good idea. Both plans say they allow holders of existing plans that do not meet ACA requirements to keep there existing plans. One problem is that they allow this cannot actually do this since Continue reading “Obama care and Keep your health plan”

2 keep your health plan plans

2 keep your health plan plans

Much has been said about the millions of cancelled health insurance policies. Often the insurance company explains that these plans do not meet the standards of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). There are 2 offered fixes. Continue reading “2 keep your health plan plans”

Abortion, medical care, maternity, and health insurance

Abortion, medical care, maternity, and health insurance

Since I seem to be pointing out articles I really liked here is another. It is What’s the matter with motherhood? by E.J. Dionne, Jr and starts like this: Continue reading “Abortion, medical care, maternity, and health insurance”

Repeal medical device tax or not

Repeal medical device tax or not

About 2 weeks ago I wrote that Fixing the ACA or Obamacare makes more sense than repeal.

In that piece I mentioned that “I probably would back the repeal of the medical device tax.” but not as part of the current budget fiasco and that we need much more discussion before acting.

For another point of view see Excise Tax on Medical Devices Should Not Be Repealed: Industry Lobbyists Distort Tax’s Impact.