Tag: tax compliance

A good day for tax cheats

A good day for tax cheats

Do you cheat on your taxes? Let the other guy pay more to make up for your savings. It turned out someone finally got wise to your cheating ways. A few months ago the government add some funds for the IRS for increasing tax compliance and improving service.

Make the tax system less subject to cheating. Fairer most would think and also raise billions of dollars rather than run up the deficit.

Monday the Republicans in the House voted to cut that funding, It was a good day for tax cheats (at the cost of adding billions to the deficit). fortunately for the rest of us, this seems unlikely to become law.

IRS bonuses and tax  compliance

IRS bonuses and tax compliance

I read in the news that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) paid out millions in bonuses to the its employees. Nothing wrong with rewarding good behavior and good job performance. But in some cases the behavior was not as good as I think it should be. I don’t know about job performance so I won’t comment on that.

But according to Continue reading “IRS bonuses and tax compliance”