Maybe even worse than Watergate

Is it worse than Watergate ? Those of us as old as the Retired Guy, give or take a decade or so, think of Watergate and Richard Nixon when we think of political scandals that have the potential to severely damage our democracy.

About a month into the Donald Trump presidency, I wondered if the investigations of the Presidential campaign could lead us to something as big or bigger than Watergate.

Now almost 2 years later, it is seeming more likely. We still do not have proof the President himself is involved. But in my opinion the weight of the evidence is pointing in that direction. I had thought the part that makes it worse is the shear number of crimes and perhaps the type of some of the crimes.

But there is another reason that I had not given much thought to before today. I was listen to “Radio Times” on my local NPR station (WHYY) and the subject was the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis.

The guest was Thomas Nichols of the U.S. Naval War college. I had reviewed a book by Professor Nichols. The book was The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters. I though it a very good book and as a result listened carefully to his words. When the subject of Watergate came up. Professor Nichols pointed out something I had not thought of.

When Nixon resigned he left behind a competent administration. In my opinion that is not the case with the Trump administration. Worse than Watergate? Maybe.

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