Reasonable compromise on budget deal

I’ve been writing lately about an unjust increase in Medicare Part B premiums for a subset of those over 65.

I was glad to see that this was addressed in the 2 year budget deal recently worked out by Congress and the administration.

This is not what I considered the ideal solution but it is a reasonable compromise.

The budget deal as a whole seems to be a reasonable compromise which avoids the brinkmanship seen the past few years in settling the budget as well as raising the debt ceiling so we can pay our bills.

Nice to see the ability to compromise is still around.

3 thoughts on “Reasonable compromise on budget deal

  1. Again, Congress and the Administration kick the can further down the road forestalling the inevitable extreme debt crisis. Real compromise comes when the real tough issues are tackled with give and take by all sides. Until then, we continue to supply band aids until we run out. Sad.

  2. Hi Bill,

    I think compromise is finding some middle ground where each side gets some of what they want but gives up part of what they want to give the other side some but neither side gets all. I think the meaning of “some” is a bit flexible but is maybe the most important part. Nether side is shut out but neither side gets everything. It may involve “tough issues” but then it may not.

    There are many issues and I hope compromise on one makes it easier to compromise on others.

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