Tag: Scott Pruitt

More bad news about Scott Pruitt

More bad news about Scott Pruitt

Just when we were starting to get used to Scott Pruitt and his crazy ideas about not protecting the environment, more news comes out about his crazy views on this and other topics.

…Scott Pruitt, the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), espoused some pretty bizarre and goddy views on an Oklahoma radio show in 2005. Granted, that’s 13 years ago, but have his views changed? Given his faith, probably not, and they were posted on his campaign website when he ran for Oklahoma attorney general in 2010. Nobody’s talking now, but…

The blog Why Evolution Is True in an article with a somewhat lengthy title ( EPA administrator Scott Pruitt disses evolution, espouses theocracy, doubts whether carbon dioxide causes global warming, asserts that God gave us the right to have all guns ) discusses his bizarre views and right to impose them on the rest of us and lack of suitability to run a science-based agency.

It is worth reading.

We need a strong EPA

We need a strong EPA

Why do we need a strong EPA? There are many reasons but here is a good reminder to how America looked before there was an EPA to regulate pollution.

Kevin Loria’s article Vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what America looked like before pollution was regulated reminds us of a few things the EPA is doing (or avoiding) today but more importantly shows pictures of the good old days before we decided to regulate pollution.

Perhaps there are some who miss the good old days when rivers caught fire or companies were free to poison the drinking water. But I like the clean water and clean air. I’m old enough to remember the good old days and certainly do not miss the pollution.
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