Tag: 2016 Election

Question on Collusion

Question on Collusion

Another question but this time on collusion. The Mueller report documents several contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians. The report say they found nothing to prove a conspiracy but did not exonerate the President. Collusion is a much less specific term. But I think the lack of proof of conspiracy may just indicate that the obstruction and cover-up might have worked in this case.

Will President Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine cause people to re-examine the collision/conspiracy part of the Mueller report?

President-elect Trump

President-elect Trump

The election is over. We have a clear winner, Donald J Trump. I think that no matter how we voted, or did not vote, we should come together to support President-elect Trump

In my opinion Donald Trump ran a disgusting campaign but now he is President-elect Trump and will soon be President Trump. This county is divided and we need to come together to find common ground and at least move ahead where we agree and try to compromise where there is disagreement.
Continue reading “President-elect Trump”

Republican or conservative women betrayed

Republican or conservative women betrayed

This campaign season has been a bad one for Republicans and conservatives in general and Republican or conservative women in particular.

I usually try to read a variety of views on issues I care about. Quite often what is written or on television has a point of view that may favor on side or the other. So the key is to read widely. The reason I say read is that when you are reading you can think about things and maybe do a bit of fact checking. When things are on television or radio you often don’t have time to do that.
Continue reading “Republican or conservative women betrayed”

Vote for a working government

Vote for a working government

I decided how I will vote for Senate this year. I will vote for a working government.

Several days ago I wrote about my Senate choices and was still undecided. I didn’t particularly like my choices.

Senator Toomey (R-PA) was a known. He has a record in the Senate and mostly I disagree with him but I agree on at least one issue.

Katie McGinty was a unknown. She has not previously held office, at least not one that I was familiar with. But I watched her debate the Senator and read a few things and decided to vote for her. I think she will make the better Senator. A major factor in my decision that Katie McGinty is not a Republican.
Continue reading “Vote for a working government”

Why doesn’t Trump sue ?

Why doesn’t Trump sue ?

Will Donald Trump sue ?

He has been treated unfairly by the media. The New York Times in particular. But just generally by all those bad media people who report what he says.

He brags on tape about his sexual prowess and sexual assaults. Then dismisses it as mere locker room talk. When women come forth to claim that he has actually done some of these things to them, he threatens to sue. But not now. He’ll file those lawsuits after the election.
Continue reading “Why doesn’t Trump sue ?”

Senator decision: Mitch factor

Senator decision: Mitch factor

I am still trying to decide how I will vote in the election for US Senator. In Pennsylvania we have a choice of two major party candidates I do not like. So the Mitch factor may be important.

I would normally think party should not be the deciding factor. We should chose the best candidate or at least the one we think is best.
Continue reading “Senator decision: Mitch factor”

Donald Doubt

Donald Doubt

Should Donald Trump be known as Donald Doubt?

Donald’s birther controversy cast doubt on the legitimacy of Barakh Obama’s presidency. At first he demanded the President show his birth certificate to prove he was born in the USA and therefore eligible to be President. Then when he did show it Donald Doubt cited an ‘extremely credible source’ indicating the birth certificate was a fraud. he changed his mind a few weeks back without ever revealing his ‘extremely credible source’ or giving reasons why he no longer believed the President was born elsewhere.

Now he is calling this presidential election “rigged” and casting doubts on the legitimacy of the winner and our whole electoral system.

Can anyone seriously support Donald Doubt of the trumped-up charges for president?

Trump evidence

Trump evidence

I wonder if the new evidence suggesting Donald Trump is not a sexual predator will come from the same ‘extremely credible source’ than told him President Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.

Donald J. Trump Twitter Aug 6 2012:

An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud.

Banana Republican

Banana Republican

In the second presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to put Hillary Clinton in jail if he was elected. This type of thing may happen in a Banana Republic but certainly not in the United States. Is Donald Trump now a Banana Republican?

Is this the future of our country if Trump is elected? Will Banana Republicans dominate what was once considered the party of Lincoln?

Trump’s One Public Service

Trump’s One Public Service

Much has been made of Donald Trump’s lack of knowledge of national and international affairs and a lack of any public service. Rebecca Traister writes about Trump’s One Public Service in New York magazine.

Here it is:


Yellow Dog Republicans for Trump

Yellow Dog Republicans for Trump

I’ve talked about Yellow Dog Republicans before. Actually I wrote about both Republicans and Democrats.

There are those with such extreme belief in a political party, they would vote for a yellow dog of their party rather than the best qualified candidate. This election season seems to have sparked a variant of that species known as Yellow Dog Republicans for Trump.

Several prominent Republicans have said they will vote for Donald Trump despite his many problems. Are these Yellow Dog Republicans for Trump or will he eventually say or do something that disgusts them or otherwise convinces them he would not make a good President?

VP debate changed my mind

VP debate changed my mind

I almost did not watch the VP debate last night. Hillary Clinton is so much better than Donald Trump there is no contest about my vote.

I like Senator Tim Kaine so that was an added bonus. In fact, I think I might prefer that he was at the top of the ticket. I disagree with Governor Mike Pence but thought we was a much better choice than Donald Trump to be a the top of the ticket.

Now after seeing Gov Pence in the debate, Continue reading “VP debate changed my mind”

Think about it

Think about it

Trump supporter? Think about it.

USA TODAY is an interesting newspaper. I’ve read a several articles that were thought provoking. Some I agreed with and others I’ve disagreed with, but usually I thought they were well worth reading. Here is the beginning of Today’s editorial:

In the 34-year history of USA TODAY, the Editorial Board has never taken sides in the presidential race. Instead, we’ve expressed opinions about the major issues and haven’t presumed to tell our readers, who have a variety of priorities and values, which choice is best for them. Because every presidential race is different, we revisit our no-endorsement policy every four years. We’ve never seen reason to alter our approach. Until now.

This year, the choice isn’t between two capable major party nominees who happen to have significant ideological differences. This year, one of the candidates — Republican nominee Donald Trump — is, by unanimous consensus of the Editorial Board, unfit for the presidency.

And then it goes on to give their reasons for breaking their tradition of never taking sides in the presidential race. It is well worth reading. If you are a Trump supporter, think about it.

Trump’s tax returns

Trump’s tax returns

Donald Trump refuses to release his tax returns with an excuse that he is being audited. But as far as I know, none of Trump’s tax returns for many years have been released.

The IRS indicates tax returns under audit can be released. So the excuse does not seem to be valid.

The IRS FAQ below suggest audit usually done within 3 years of filing but they can go back 6 years even if there are substantial errors.

Continue reading “Trump’s tax returns”

Donald bizarrely said to Hillary

Donald bizarrely said to Hillary

During the recent debate Donald bizarrely said to Hillary, “No wonder you’ve been fighting ISIS your entire adult life.”

I am at a loss as to his meaning, but that does not seem unusual Continue reading “Donald bizarrely said to Hillary”