Donald, stop digging

When you get yourself in a hole the first thing to do is to stop digging. Donald, stop digging. Apparently Donald Trump has not learned this simple rule.

He has insulted the parents of a soldier who died for his country. Despite the outrage among many Americans he seems intent on continuing this fight. Donald, stop digging. You are in too deep already.

After insulting the parents and probably their religion, he compares his sacrifice to that of a dead soldier or perhaps the soldier’s family. A decent person would have at least mentioned that he was sorry for their loss before bringing up his sacrifice. Maybe even skipped the part about his sacrifice.

And we all know Donald has sacrificed. He built buildings and created jobs. He did add something about being successful. He forgot to mention that he actually paid some of the people who actually did the work. Not all but some.

Does this sacrifice even come close? Donald, stop digging.

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