Presidential questions

Who shall be our next President? Plenty of candidates, plenty of choices, plenty of questions, and some answers buried in lots of talk. Who do you think is the best choice? Will he or she make it. About a year from now, someone will be elected as the next President. Who do you think it should be?

You have opinions about the issues. The candidates have opinions or at least have expressed opinions (which may or may not be the same thing). How do your opinions line up with what the candidates say. What they say is not always the same as what they will do. Sometimes you worry a candidate will not deliver on what is said; other times you worry that they may actually do what they say.

You judge a candidate on what they say as well as other factors. But it is useful to know whose expressed opinions line up with yours. There is an online questionnaire on issues which compares your answers on various issues to what the presidential candidates have said. Let’s call it a series of Presidential questions.

I answered these Presidential questions and was a bit surprised to see that my opinions were not that different from some candidates I had thought I disagreed with totally. The scoring of overall agreement was similar to what I had expected but there where a few surprises. If nothing else the Presidential questions will help clarify your thinking as you consider the questions.

The website is and the Presidential questions are at

After you answer the Presidential questions, you get a ordered list of which candidates you might support based on who you side with on the issues. The questions can be answered with a simple YES or NO but be sure to look at other choices that are more nuanced. You can look further and see how you compare with candidates and various political philosophies.

It is an interesting questionnaire and there is much to learn about yourself and the candidates. Also it is worth looking around the site.

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