Cooperation in Congress

Cooperation in Congress, I hope. Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin was recently elected the Speaker of the House. I hope this brings in a new era of cooperation between the 2 parties and among various groups in the House of Representatives. And perhaps when the Senate sees it, they will be inspired to do likewise.

This is a hope. I am not placing any bets on it.

I hope for cooperation because among the things Rep. Ryan had to say on assuming office was this:

Open up the process. Let people participate. And they might change their tune. A neglected minority will gum up the works. A respected minority will work in good faith.

Cooperation in Congress, I hope. There has certainly been a lack of it in recent years. Both sides need to heed his words. Cooperation takes at least two. Let’s hope it is majority and minority parties.

Is bipartisanship going to make a comeback? I mean real bipartisanship. I recently got a newsletter from my Congressman hailing his vote for a bipartisan bill. The 240 votes which passed the bill included 239 Republicans and 1 Democrat. That is what passes for bipartisan but I hope we can do better.

Congressman Paul Ryan’s words encourage me. Perhaps better days are ahead.

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